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The ML 805 bin lifter fills the need for a lifter combining the best attributes of both a low and high-level lifter.

In normal low-level lifters the compactor cannot run when bins are being tipped, while high-level lifters are not suitable for large amounts of bagged refuse owing to their height. Further, high-level lifters suffer from poor ground clearance when lowered and are thus susceptible to damage, especially when reversing through dips.

The ML 805 solves these problems by having high ground clearance, a low sill, and a high tipping level while being able to handle two- and four-wheeled plastic bins and steel (Sprico type) bins of 1100 litres.



  • GOOD for bags, 240l, 660l, 700l and 1100l bins

  • It achieves cycle times of 8 seconds (split comb) or 15 seconds (combined comb) with bins weighing up to 700kg.

  • Split comb configuration, allow for two operators


  • Suitable for 2- and 4- wheeled plastic bins and 1100L steel bins

  • Low Cost, Rugged, Simple

  • Independently Controlled Sides

  • High Ground Clearance

  • No exposed Hydraulic Cylinder Rods

  • Manual/ Mechanical Interlocking of Combs


Bin Type
120 to 360 litre SPLIT COMB500 to 1100 litre COMBINED COMB
Cycle Times
8 seconds minimum SPLIT COMB / 15 seconds minimum COMBINED COMB
Hydraulic Flow
28 litre per minute for 8 seconds cycle time
Hydraulic Pressure
180 bar SUPPLY PUMP CAPACITY (lower pressures and loads adjustable)
Lifter Type
Low Level Lifter
Lifting Capacity
700 kg (at 150 bar setting)
Noise Level
< 72 dBA
Tipping Angle
45 degrees
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